While it’s healthy to have a variety of bacteria in our guts, there’s one place where a single dominant type is best: the vagina. Kendall Powell meets the researchers trying to make the world healthier, one vagina at a time. The aisle is marked with a little red sign that says “Feminine Treatments”. Squeezed between the urinary incontinence pads and treatments for yeast infections, there is a wall of bottles and packages in every pastel shade imaginable. Feminine deodorant sprays, freshening wipes, washes for your “intimate area”. Vaginal odour might be the last taboo for the modern woman. I’ve actually driven to the SuperTarget two towns away from where I live so as to not run into anyone I know while scrutinising the various products that exist for cleansing, deodorising and re-balancing the pH of your vagina (I still bumped into another PTA mom in a neighbouring aisle). The companies behind these products know that many women are looking for ways to counter embarra...
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